I'm getting tired of guys tha calls my 4bet all-in with their 3/4 stack showing crap like Jc4h. i got straight on the flop (had KQo, flop was AJ10, all clubs).but... yeah, you got it! Turn was 4c. Lucky bastard... 2 pair, flush... and he kicked me out of tournament... If few more donks gonna kick me out of tournaments till end of the week I'm gonna hurt myself!! I think self made septum piercing will be the best idea
Don't get too mad. Keep a cool head. Bad beats happen to all of us. Poker is a great game at that.
I'm terrible at poker, I hope this makes you feel better.
OdpowiedzUsuńGoodluck next time..
OdpowiedzUsuńOuch. That sucks. Hope you have better luck next time.
OdpowiedzUsuńPoker is all about a calm state of mind! Put on some sunglasses and your A game 8) haha. Sry to hear about your loss. Gluck with your next one.
OdpowiedzUsuńsunglasses in front of computer? xD and that's the problem that i don;t getting busted for bluffs but for playing A game...