I see that some people want to learn poker but don't read all posts (; In the first post was a refferal link to the worlds largest poker school. There's one great thing about this site. If you pass quiz (it's simple. 20 questions, 120 minutes and you have all materials with answers that you must only find) you get 50$ free to play on one of their partner pokerrooms. There are many people that never deposited their funds and now are playing poker for living. Just because they get this bonus.
So here's the link:
Enjoy, and may Ace be with you! :P
PS. Forgot to mention... US players excluded...
Can't believe that they can stop an entire nation from playing online poker for money....is it not their money? That truly sucks!
OdpowiedzUsuńWell done for getting the free cash, but I'm guessing you'll have to earn about $1000 before you can cash any out...
No. Almost every poker room allow to pay out when you reach 20$. If you get this bonus you can take it after yo make some points of playing.
OdpowiedzUsuńUSA have now problems with online gambling. US government closed on of the world's biggest rooms. It's complicated situation...
Nice! I'll check it out
OdpowiedzUsuńThat's great news.. thanks for sharing this site sounds neat
OdpowiedzUsuńthe way to beat your friends at poker, is to not care if they are no longer your friends after you fleece them.
OdpowiedzUsuńAWW US not included? I am sad
OdpowiedzUsuńThanks for that ;)
OdpowiedzUsuńDAMNIT. I am stuck in the US.
OdpowiedzUsuńCool. Thanks for the info.